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Background Check Information

Our partner school systems conduct background check on our volunteers. Unfortunately, we cannot use background checks that have been done by other organizations. Please follow the appropriate link below to complete your background check. Please do this on a computer; their systems have had problems interfacing with phones.

To teach in Hillsborough (OCS)– Click Here
To teach in Durham (DPS)– Click Here

The school system will send you an email indicating your approval. (It can take a few weeks for your background check to be processed. The speed of this process is out-of-our hands.) Once you receive your approval, please forward that email to Lynn Garrett at  [email protected]

*If you plan to teach at Duke Brodie, the Duke Faculty Club, or NCCU, you are required to complete an additional online training that Duke and NCCU require of all volunteers that work with children in their facilities.

If you indicate you’d like to teach at one of these facilities, we’ll be in touch with the necessary information.
